Best free Android games 2016

Best free Android games


As Android phones and tablets have increased in popularity, the number of apps available for the platform has rocketed.

And that means more free Android games. There’s a lot of junk out there but, fortunately, there are gems among the junk.

We’ve worked our way through a whole load of Android games to reveal the ones you should download to your phone.

So without delay, here is our pick of the best free Android games available.

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New this week: Fast like a Fox

Fast like a Fox

Although it’s yet another auto-runner, Fast like a Fox has plenty going for it. The game looks gorgeous, with atmospheric low-poly artwork providing an artsy take on chilly frozen hills and dark urban haunts.

There’s also some smart level design, with each of the short challenges demanding you learn every pathway, and understanding the speed with which you approach the many jumps, in order to not send your furry friend to its doom.

But mostly we were taken by the control method, which involves drumming your fingers on the back of your device to speed up the fox. Sure, it’s a gimmick, but this approach gives you a much greater sense of connection with the sprinting mammal, although grumpy traditionalists can instead opt for a much more boring two-button system.

Leap Day

Leap Day

Touchscreens should be a poor fit for platform games, which typically require the kind of precision that only comes from a physical controller. This is why so many mobile titles opt for auto-running, distilling platform gaming to its core essence of timing jumps.

In Leap Day, your little yellow character is tasked with getting to the top of a tall tower. You can jump, double jump and slide down walls, but that’s it. You must therefore carefully leap past cartoon foes and gigantic spikes, grabbing fruit along the way.

At various points on your climb are checkpoints, which can be bought with 20 fruit or by watching an ad. This means you don’t have to start from scratch on coming a cropper. And when you do reach the summit, you can come back the next day for an entirely new level to try.

Chess Runner


We’ve seen several mobile games put a new spin on chess, but Chess Runner amusingly turns the age-old favourite into a frantic arcade battle. You take on the role of a white knight, darting about in L-shaped bounds. Your aim: to fight your way through black pieces and capture a golden king.

Different twists are peppered throughout the game’s levels. The most basic mode involves ensuring you don’t end up in a position to be taken by static or patrolling black pieces. But sometimes you must fend off a barrage of attacks from pawns or rooks, or quickly get to the king during a speed-run test. It’s particularly in those against-the-clock challenges that Chess Runner bares its teeth, temporarily making you forget everything you ever knew about chess, before blundering into a bishop.

Clash Royale


There’s always a whiff of unease on recommending a game from a developer nestled deep in the bosom of freemium gaming, but Clash Royale largely manages to be a lot of fun however much money you lob at it. The game is more or less a mash-up of card collecting and real-time strategy. Cards are used to drop units on to a single-screen playfield, and they march about and duff up enemy units, before taking on your opponent’s towers.

The battles are short and suited to quick on-the-go play, and although Clash Royale is designed for online scraps, you can also hone your strategies against training units if you’re regularly getting pulverised. There are the usual timers and gates for upgrades, but the game largely does a good job of matching you against players of fairly similar skill levels, meaning it’s usually a blast and only rarely a drag.

Road to be King


This endless survival game eschews typical side-on leapy shenanigans or an overhead land-based approach. Instead, Road to be King has you drag the royal protagonist around the screen, attempting to avoid all manner of foul creatures and deadly traps. Along the way, crystals are there for grabbing, as are power-ups for a temporary reprieve against your foes. Mostly, it’s the control method and design that ensure Road to be King is worth sticking with. Both oddly echo bullet-hell shooters as much as endless runners, and as you begin to recognise patterns in the challenges you pass, the game becomes a kind of zen-like experience.

Splash Cars


In the world of Splash Cars, it appears everyone’s a miserable grump apart from you. Their world is dull and grey, but your magical vehicle brings colour to anything it goes near. The police aren’t happy about this and aim to bring your hue-based shenanigans to a close, by ramming your car into oblivion. There’s also the tiny snag of a petrol tank that runs dry alarmingly quickly.

Splash Cars therefore becomes a fun game of fleeing from the fuzz, zooming past buildings by a hair’s breadth, grabbing petrol and coins carelessly left lying about, and trying to hit an amount-painted target before the timer runs out. Succeed and you go on to bigger and better locations, with increasingly powerful cars.

Angry Birds

Angry Brids

The amazingly popular iOS game earned over two million downloads during its first weekend of availability on Android and despite myriad sequels and spinoffs, it is still a great game to play.

The Android version of Angry Birds is free, unlike the Apple release, with maker Rovio opting to stick a few adverts on it rather than charge an upfront fee. The result is a massive and very challenging physics puzzler that’s incredibly polished and professional. For free. It defies all the laws of modern retail.



We’re pretty sure this one’s going to confuse a bunch of people, but if you’re of a certain vintage, Heist will have you squee with nostalgia. It’s essentially a Nintendo Game & Watch for your Android device, featuring a little chap robbing a bank. The visuals perfectly evoke those ancient handhelds, and although the game is very simple — move left and right, avoid falling objects, load pilfered cash into a balloon — getting high-scores requires serious concentration and thumb dexterity.

On a suitably sized smartphone, you’ll almost think you’re playing the real thing. (And if anyone from Nintendo is reading, how about some official Game & Watch on Android? Better that than any number of dodgy freemium games based loosely on Nintendo’s famous characters.)

Flappy Golf


Objectively, Flappy Bird was a bit rubbish, but it did kick off a ton of ‘tributes’. Most of them were rubbish too, but Flappy Golf very much isn’t. It started off as a joke — the developer fusing the excellent Super Stickman Golf 2 and Flappy Bird mechanics. Instead of aiming your ball, it has wings and you flap it towards the hole by tapping ‘left’ and ‘right’ buttons.

Somehow, this all comes together and Flappy Golf equals the game it’s based on — it’s fast, funny and challenging, with loads of courses and multiplayer. The on-screen ads are a bit intrusive, mind, but otherwise this is one of the best free games you’re ever likely to find for Android, despite ‘Flappy’ being in its name.

No More Kings


It’s probably fair to say that No More Kings is on the basic side regarding aesthetics, but then that merely puts you in mind of those chess puzzles you find lurking in newspapers. The difference here is you capture the king by taking pieces and immediately becoming that piece. By way of example, grab a bishop with a rook and it’s ‘diagonals only’ for your next move.

Finding your way to the crown is easy at first, but gets much trickier in later levels, when the board becomes littered with pieces and the pathfinding is no longer obvious. The masterstroke: tying the stars awarded for completing levels to the speed in which you reach a solution. Speed chess players will have nothing on your deft digits in this game.

Angry Birds Star Wars

Angry Birds Star Wars

The Angry physics phenomenon took a turn for the weird late in 2012, with Rovio acquiring the rights to blend Star Wars characters with its popular Angry Birds play mechanics.

Angry Birds Star Wars is actually pretty nice, with players using Star Wars weaponry to smash down scenery alongside the usual destructive physics action. Not the car crash IP clash we were expecting.

Down The Mountain


With its cute isometric visual style, hoppy instadeath mechanics, and a range of characters to win in a semi-randomised lottery, you might be forgiven for thinking Down The Mountain is Crossy Road upended. While there are similarities, it quickly becomes clear Down The Mountain is a very different game to play. Borrowing from Q*Bert rather than Frogger, it has you tackle leaping down an endless mountain, on which hazards come thick and fast. Even on the easy mode, you must think quickly, leaping left or right to avoid TNT, bounding cars, and vicious spikes. On hard mode, it’s not so much Down The Mountain as Down T— Oh. Dead again.

Dream of Pixels

Dream of Pixels

We all love a bit of Tetris, but Tetris doesn’t love mobile — previous and current incarnations for Android are mostly hideous IAP-infused abominations. Fortunately, then, Dream of Pixels exists, more or less flipping Tetris upside-down, having you use those very familiar shapes to take chunks out of an endless cloud bank.

The game’s floaty and slightly hippyish vibe hides an endless puzzler with serious bite. Once the cloud’s moving at speed and you have a few ‘orphaned’ bits that need reconnecting with the main body, Dream of Pixels becomes a frantic speed test of shape-matching abilities. If it all gets a bit much, there’s a static ‘zen’ mode, where you fill static shapes with pre-defined tetromino sets. And when you’re ready for action again, a one-off IAP unlocks three tougher variations on the main game.

Cally’s Caves 3


Poor Cally. It’s like she can’t go for five minutes without her parents being kidnapped. It’s third time unlucky for her in Cally’s Caves 3, but lucky for you, because you get an excellent old-school platformer that costs nothing at all. Cally leaps about, shooting and stabbing enemies in a gleeful manner you might consider unusual for a young girl with pigtails. The game’s brutal, too, with a checkpoint system that will have you gnashing teeth when you die a few steps before a restart point. But the weapon upgrade system is clever (keep shooting things to power up guns!), there are loads of items to discover, and unlike on iOS, the free Android version has several extra unlocked modes. (The flip-side is slightly irksome ads, but an ad-removal IAP is coming soon.)

Gem Miner

Gem Miner

In Gem Miner you are a sort of mole character that likes to dig things out of the ground. But that’s not important. The game itself has you micro-managing the raw materials you find, upgrading your digging powers and buying bigger and better tools and maps. Looks great, plays well on Android’s limited button array. Go on, suck the very life out of the planet.



Another coloured-square-based puzzle game, only ConnecToo has you joining them up. Link red to red, then blue to blue – then see if you’ve left a pathway through to link yellow to yellow. You probably haven’t, so delete it all and try again.

A brilliantly simple concept. ConnecTooused to be a paid-for game, but was recently switched to an ad-supported model – meaning it now costs you £0.00.



The most successful game to come out of Russia since, er, Russian roulette, Tetris has lost none of its gaming lustre in the 25 years since it was first released. And now you can play the game on your phone, and thanks to EA’s slightly irksome free-to-play model it is free! Well, free as in you have to dodge some awfully intrusive ads. Still, it’s got the original Tetris music so we are happy and so should you be.



Not the best-looking game you’ll ever play, with its shabby brown backgrounds and rudimentary text making it look like something you’d find running on a PC in the year 1985. But Trap! is good.

You draw lines to box in moving spheres, gaining points for cordoning off chunks of the screen. That sounds rubbish, so please invest two minutes of your time having a go on it so you don’t think we’re talking nonsense.

Neon Shadow

Neon Shadow

We’re always a bit twitchy about recommending first-person shooters on mobile, because pawing at a glass screen is no substitute for having a gamepad in your mitts. Neon Shadow, though, has a good crack at providing high-octane shooty action on Android, mostly through smart level design, simple controls, and having a protagonist that’s surprisingly robust.

The story finds you aboard a sentient space station that’s gone nuts and turned all its on-board mechanoids evil. Somehow (and we’re really not sure how), this has placed the entire galaxy in jeopardy. So you need to go about blowing everything up, and not get horribly killed. It’s quite old-school, looks fab, and never lets up. Only occasionally will the on-screen controls make you swear at your thumbs.



We had to put one Sudoku game in here, so we’ll go with OpenSudoku – which lives up to its open tag thanks to letting users install packs of new puzzles generated by Sudoku makers. It’s entirely possible you could use this to play new Sudoku puzzles for the rest of your life, if that’s not too terrifying a thought.



Abduction! is a sweet little platform jumping game, presented in a similarly quirky and hand-drawn style as the super-fashionable Doodle

Jump. You can’t argue with cute cows and penguins with parachutes, or a game that’s easy to play with one hand thanks to its super accessible accelerometer controls.

The Great Land Grab

The Great Land Grab

A cross between a map tool and Foursquare, The Great Land Grab sorts your local area into small rectangular packets of land – which you take ownership of by travelling through them in real-time and buying them up.

Then someone else nicks them off you the next day, a bit like real-world Risk. A great idea, as long as you don’t mind nuking your battery by leaving your phone sitting there on the train with its GPS radio on.

Sling Kong


There’ll probably come a point when cute video game animals will gain sentience and revolt against the appalling situations they find themselves in. Until then, we have Sling Kong. From the off, you’ll know what to do: stretch your little critter and let go, to ping them from peg to peg. All the while, avoid the hazards (saw blades; exploding pegs; blocks of wood smashing together) and a sticky end (quite literally in the case of the octopus when it’s squished).

The graphics are cheerful, with the animals looking amusingly shocked at their circumstances and surroundings; the gameplay is challenging and compulsive; and there’s even originality evident when winning new characters, involving bouncing your animal around a pachinko machine, rather than played-out Crossy Road-style gift boxes

Flow Free


Flow Free is free up to a point. You get a ton of levels that you can play without having to pay anything, then it will start costing you once you get more than a little addicted. And you will. You will.

The object of the game is to pair all colours that come flying at you and cover the entire board. Do this and you win the level – it’s that simple. You can play on a level up system or against the clock. Both are fun – just don’t let the pipes overlap!



Cestos is sort of a futuristic recreation of curling, where players chuck marbles at each other to try and smash everyone else’s balls/gems down the drain and out of the zone.

The best part is this all happens online against real humans, so as long as there’s a few other bored people out there at the same time you’ll have a real, devious, cheating, quitting person to play against. Great.

Alto’s Adventure


You might think there’s little new in Alto’s Adventure, which is essentially endless leapy game Canabalt on ice. But refined visuals best even Monument Valley, with an eye-popping day/night cycle and gorgeous weather effects; additionally, there’s a delightful soundtrack, and a kind of effortless elegance that permeates throughout, propelling Alto’s Adventure beyond its contemporaries.

Ostensibly, Alto’s Adventure is a game about collecting escaped llamas, but mostly Alto is keen on mucking about on snowy slopes. You zoom down hills, catapult yourself into the air, and try to somersault before face-planting. Extra challenge arrives in the form of chaining stunts to increase your speed, and outrunning elders, angry you’re having fun rather than sitting in a stinky llama pen.



GalaxIR is a futuristic strategy game with an abstract look, where players micro-manage an attacking alien fleet. Pick a planet, pick an attack point, then hope your troops have the balls to carry it off. There’s not much structure to the game as yet, but that’s what you get when you’re on the bleeding-edge of free, independent Android gaming development.



Graviturn is an accelerometer based maze game, where the aim is to roll a red ball out of a maze by tilting your phone around. Seems embarrassingly easy at first, until increasing numbers of green balls appear on screen. If any green balls roll off the screen you die and have to try again. It’s abstract. It’s good.

Alchemy Classic


There are a few variants on Alchemy out there, each offering a similarly weird experience. In Alchemy Classic you match up elements to create their (vaguely) scientific offspring, so dumping water onto earth makes a swamp, and so on.

It’s a brain teaser thing and best played by those who enjoy spending many hours in the company of the process of elimination.

Sage Solitaire


Having been mercilessly ripped off by a pretender (who cynically thanked the original’s developer for “inspiration”), Sage Solitaire has finally made it to Android. It rethinks solitaire for mobile, mostly by smashing it into poker. Cards are removed using poker hands, with the added complication each hand must use cards from at least two different rows.

Clearing the deck and amassing points requires careful strategy and a little luck, not least given how rapidly the lower stacks empty. Win three times and you unlock Vegas mode, where you can try your luck making bets on your skills (and, in all likelihood, lose a boatload of virtual money). Regardless of the mode you favour, Sage Solitaire’s one of those seemingly throwaway casual games that manages to take hold to the point of obsession.

Scrambled Net


Scrambled Net is based around the age-old concept of lining up pipes and tubes, but has been jazzed up with images of computer terminals, high score tracking and animations. Still looks like something you’d have played on a Nokia during the last decade, but it’s free – and looking rubbish hardly stopped Snake from taking off, did it?


Drop Words

Dropwords is laid out like your standard Android block-based puzzle game, the difference here is we’re not dealing with gems – you make blocks disappear by spelling out words from the jumbled heap of letters. There’s not an enormous amount of point to it, but you can at least submit your scores and best words to the server, where an AI version of Susie Dent will pass her approval.

RGB Express


In RGB Express, your aim is to build up a delivery company from scratch, all by dropping off little coloured boxes at buildings of the same colour. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Only this is a puzzler that takes place on tiny islands with streets laid out in a strict grid pattern, and decidedly oddball rules regarding road use.

Presumably to keep down on tarmac wear, roads are blocked the second a vehicle drives over them. Once you’re past the early levels, making all your deliveries often requires fashioning convoluted snake-like paths across the entire map, not least when bridge switches come into play. Despite its cute graphics, then, RGB Express is in reality a devious and tricky puzzle game, which will have you swearing later levels simply aren’t possible, before cracking one, feeling chuffed and then staring in disbelief at what follows.

Threes! Free


In Threes! Free, you slide numbered cards around a tiny grid, merging pairs to increase their values and make room for new cards. Strategy comes from the cards all moving simultaneously, along with you needing to keep space free to make subsequent merges, forcing you to think ahead. On launch, it was a rare example of a new and furiously compulsive puzzle-game mechanic. Within days, it was mercilessly ripped off, free clones flooding Google Play.


Word Feud

Wordfeud is a superb little clone of Scrabble, with a big, clear screen and online play options that actually work.

The game’s been offered for free with some hefty advertising over it thanks to the developer being based in Norway – which only received paid-for app sales support recently. However, a paid version is now available if you’re so inclined.

Friction Mobile

Friction Mobile

Friction Mobile is a very odd concept that makes no sense in still images. You fire a ball into the screen, then try to hit that ball with other balls until it explodes. The catch is you’re not allowed to bounce balls backwards into your own face. Because then you die. Sounds rubbish, but works well. It’s free, so give it a no-obligation, no-commitment whirl.

The Path to Lume


The ‘eco’ side of things is a bit on the nose in The Path To Luma, and there are points where you wonder whether the energy company that paid for it only just stopped short of having the protagonist yell “Solar and wind power are amazing!” every few seconds.

But along with being quite right-on, Luma is a beautiful and thoughtful puzzler, with a decidedly tactile feel. Your aim is to explore tiny planetoids, unlocking sources of energy that will bring life to otherwise barren environments. There’s quite a lot of hand-holding from the game’s companion AI, but spinning tiny worlds beneath your fingers and watching explosions of sunlight transform landscapes never gets old.



A stunning little retro game, Meganoid plays and looks like something that ought to be running on a Nintendo emulator. But it isn’t. It’s new and on Android. It’s a speed-based challenge, using on-screen or accelerometer controls to jump and bounce through ever-hardening levels. Developer Orange Pixel is aggressively supporting it, too, with constant map packs, characters and more regularly appearing for download.



There are loads of freebie Bejeweled knock-offs on Google Play, and so if you fancy a bit of gem-swapping, you may as well download the original. For reasons beyond us, Android owners don’t get the multitude of modes available on some other platforms, but there’s the original match-three ‘classic’, the can’t-lose ‘zen’, and the superb ‘diamond mine’.

In the last of those, matches smash a hole into the ground. You’re playing against the clock, and over time uncover harder rock that needs special moves to obliterate. It’s a frenetic, intense experience considering this is a match-three title, although high-score chasers might cast a suspicious eye over the offer to extend the time limit by watching an advert.

Angry Birds Rio

Angry Birds Rio

Yet more Angry Birds for fans of the simplistic trial and error physics game. Angry Birds Rio is another chapter-based effort as well, with developer Rovio leaving tempting empty slots on the menu screen for periodic updates of new levels. More of the same, but with a prettier, 3D look to it this time thanks to a vague association with animated movie Rio.

Grave Defense Holidays

Grave Defence

As with Angry Birds, the maker of this superb tower defence game has spun out a separate version it fills with seasonal levels. Recently updated with an Easter map, this free version of the game also includes Valentine, Christmas and St Patrick’s Day themed maps. Grave Defense Holidays is easily one of the best examples of the tactical genre.

Pac-Man 256 – Endless Maze


If you’ve played Pac-Man before, the goal of Pac-Man 256 should seem pretty familiar: eat as many pellets as possible without being caught by a ghost. This time, however, it never ends. You’ll get power-ups along the way, and it actually has a reasonable approach to in-app purchases.



Very similar in style and concept to Xbox and Xbox 360 retro classic Geometry Wars. In fact, one might legally be able to get away with calling it a right old rip-off. Android PewPew is a rock-hard 2D shooting game packed with alternate game modes.

It’s a bit rough around the edges and requires a powerful phone to run smoothly, but when it does it’s a fantastic thing.

Angry Birds Friends

Angry Birds Friends

It’s Angry Birds business as usual; only with Angry Birds Friends you get a social-themed makeover that adds challenges, Facebook integration galore and scoreboard tools to make the simple physics game more of a multiplayer experience.

The good thing is the way you can access the same account and see your progress on mobile and through Facebook on desktop, the bad is the looming presence of in-app purchases, with “bird coins” required to be earned or bought to progress quicker.

Beats, Advanced Rhythm Game


A standard rhythm action, button pressing music game for Android. Beats manages to outdo the official music games by including a Download Song tab, where it’s possible to install new song files created by users. It’s very hard and very fast. Just like they should be. Runs perfectly on an HTC Desire, too, so there’s no blaming glitches for not doing very well.

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Vector Pinball


It’s far from the most sophisticated pinball effort on Google Play, but we’re nonetheless very fond of Vector Pinball. It has a kind of old-school sensibility regarding the straightforward table designs, and each of the four layouts requires you to learn its intricacies and basic missions, in order to score big points.

Aesthetically, it also tries something different from its contemporaries. Instead of aping real tables, Vector Pinball is all skinny lines and bright colours — as if someone’s squeezed a decent pinball simulator into a Vectrex — and pleasing electronic effects and music accompany your ball-smacking. Vector Pinball’s laudably open, too — it’s an open source game, and there’s even an experimental editor for creating your own tables.

Winter Walk

Winter Walk

Winter Walk is madness. You play the part of a gentleman, out for an evening walk. From time to time the wind picks up, so you have to hold on to his hat to stop it blowing away.

While this is happening, the chap’s internal monologue appears on screen, giving you an entertaining and distracting read in the process, too. Very simple, but a perfect little high score challenge game for the touchscreen era.

Crossy Road

crossy road

At its core, Crossy Road is an endless take on Frogger. The little protagonist hops about, weaving in-between traffic, and carefully navigating rivers by way of floating logs. Adding to your problems: train tracks, where you can catch the 10:47 to Waterloo in a rather more abrupt and splattery way than you might hope, and a giant eagle that strikes should you dawdle.

Really, it’s nothing particularly innovative, but where Crossy Road shines is in its implementation. The graphics are gorgeous (and have subsequently been frequently aped); the F2P system is fair — even generous; and the characters you can win or buy often transform the game, the most overt example being ‘Crossy Pac-Man’, a tie-in with the similarly excellent Pac-Man 256.

Stardash Free

Stardash Free

Developer Orange Pixel has a knack of creating excellent retro titles, with Stardash a fine example.

Designed to look like a Game Boy game from before many of you younger readers were born, Stardash is clearly a bit of a Mario homage – but it’s done exceptionally well and is endlessly replayable. If you like it, and you probably will, there’s an alternate paid version that removes the adverts.

Bean Dreams

Bean Dreams

Although there are exceptions, traditional platform games rarely work on touchscreens. Fortunately, canny developers have rethought the genre, stripping it back to its very essence. In Bean Dreams, you help a jumping bean traverse all kinds of hazards, by sending the bouncing hatted seed left or right.

Each level is cleverly designed to offer optimum paths, boosting your points tally when hitting the goal having made the fewest bounces. Timing is everything, then, but there are further challenges that reward exploration. To find the pet axolotls spread across the map, or collect all the fruit, you must use different approaches, which adds plenty of replay value.

Dead on Arrival

Dead on Arrival

Dead on Arrival is a very impressive looking 3D survival horror game, which dumps you in a hospital infested with zombies. You then try to not get eaten by buying new weapons, boarding up doors to keep the brain-eaters at bay and using wall-mounted weaponry to quicken the zombie mincing process. As with many of today’s Android titles, there’s the option to pay for stuff within the game to unlock features and remove ads – but you don’t have to.

Stick Cricket

Stick Cricket

Stick Cricket is a fantastically simple little game that reduces cricket to its core values – you just smash every ball as hard as you can. There’s no worrying about field positioning, just a bat and a ball coming at you very quickly. Initially it seems impossible to do anything other than make a complete mess of things and having your little man smashed upside-down, but it soon clicks.

Draw Something Free

Draw Something

Draw Something Free was a phenomenon that’s taking the world by storm. Now four people play it. It’s basically a mobile version of Pictionary, where you’re given a choice of three words of varying difficulty, then tasked with drawing them so someone can tell what it is. Syncs with Facebook, too, for easy cross-platform play. If you like the free trial, there’s a paid accompaniment with more content.



The popular web-based Flash game Fragger is now on Android. It’s pretty much a clone of Angry Birds, mind, offering simple physics-based challenges based around chucking grenades all over the place to make stuff blow up. It comes with some rather intrusive ads, but that’s the price you (don’t) pay for sticking with the free version.

The Sims FreePlay

The Sims FreePlay

Global mega-corporation EA has gone literally mad, giving away its Android version of The Sims for nothing in the form of The Sims FreePlay.

In return for sitting through some full-screen adverts every now and again, players get a decent mobile version of The Sims, complete with pets, plants, lifestyle points and all the usual mundane activities that make the series popular. It’s not perfect, but does fit in most Sims core features.

Super Bit Dash

Super Bit Dash

About as far away from The Sims as you can get. Super Bit Dash is a retro-style 2D platform game, with controls as simple as its pixel art design. The game runs at a constant pace, so all the player has to do is jump and super-special-jump at the right time in order to avoid smashing into the scenery. Obviously it’s a lot harder than that makes it sound.

Chrono And Cash Free

ChronoandCash Free

Chrono&Cash Free is very hard and sweet little one-screen platform game, where players jump about collecting bags of cash while avoiding enemies. And that’s all there is to it, aside from some mini challenges to boost your score multiplier and online sharing of your scores to goad friends into trying to beat you. Looks cool, is a tiny download and a great laugh to play.

Autumn Walk

Autumn Walk

A weird little gem, Autumn Walk sees players controlling a man and his dog as they stroll through a Victorian park landscape. The challenge here is dog management, with the hound either running ahead or hanging back – both precarious scenarios that could cause the lead to snap. It’s basically a high score challenge, to see how long you can stand the weird experience. Worth it for the awesome comic dialogue that accompanies your stroll.

Platform Panic


Nitrome’s fashioning quite the collection of smart Android games, which subvert existing genres in interesting ways. Platform Panic initially comes across as a vastly simplified platform game. You swipe to move and leap, and it’s game over the second your little character comes a cropper.

But really every screen is a tiny puzzle that you must learn how to solve; and then every game becomes a memory test, with you in an instant having to draw on your experience as each challenge — sometimes mirrored — is sent your way.

Fallout Shelter


After making a splash on iOS, Fallout Shelter is now available on Android for all you Wasteland nuts. In Shelter, you create a vault and fill it with post-nuclear-war survivors, expanding your underground property, levelling up your dwellers, and sending them out to explore the surface left behind.

Bad Piggies

Bad Piggies

A shock move from developer Rovio, in that this one isn’t a simple take on the Angry Birds style. Bad Piggies is a clever building game, which dumps you at the beginning of a big map with a pile of component parts. You then build a flying machine using the given elements, then try to fly it to the end of the level. A really nice, original little idea from the physics game specialists.

Shooty Skies


The creators of Crossy Road turn their hands to vertically scrolling shooters in the aptly named Shooty Skies. Your little biplane fends off endless attacks from all manner of deranged enemies, mostly comprising arcade cabinets spewing joysticks, angry robots, cuboid bats, and laptops running video loops of oddball pets.

You can pick up wingmen along the way and power up homing missiles by remaining stationary for a bit (not often a smart move, given the number of projectiles typically heading your way). Every now and again, you get to face off against a huge and bizarre boss, such as an American Eagle flinging missiles and ‘patriotism’ in your general direction. It’s all very strange, compelling and surprisingly challenging; beat three bosses and you’re doing better than us.

Neon Blitz

Neon Blitz

Neon Blitz is a kind of a posh tracing game, where you use your finger to draw over the shapes on the screen. You’re rated on accuracy, with scores compared against the world on its global leader board. There are power-ups and stuff like that, but it’s all about having a jazzy, bright experience, that works perfectly on a touchscreen.

Agent Dash

Agent Dash

Agent Dash is another take on the infinite runner genre that’s come to dominate the smartphone gaming landscape, only with a comedy spy angle. As well as swiping to dodge objects, Agent Dash incorporates weaponry and spy gadgets, making it more of an interactive and action-based experience than most of its “Step Right” peers.

Whale Trail Frenzy

Whale Trail Frenzy

Whale Trail Frenzy is an updated version of the iOS original, with the developer heaping in more levels for the Android release of its bonkers flying game. You just fly a little whale around the sky (for reasons never explained), collecting things, avoiding bad clouds, building up a multiplier and generally being wowed by its unique and gorgeous style. A really sweet experience.

Radiant Defense

Radiant Defense

Radiant Defense is a fantastic tower defence game, given a dazzling modern look. You do all the usual tower defence stuff like building up your weapon strengths and deciding how best to stop the endless marching enemy, with some “super weapons” to unlock and hundreds upon hundreds of waves to beat. And it all looks astonishingly pretty on a big screened device.

In this age of austerity and scrimping, we’ve all long since sold our last set of dominoes and melted down our Monopoly counters for scrap.

So where’s a frugal gamer to go for fun that won’t break the bank? Why, straight to the TechRadar top 10 free Android games of course…

Temple Run 2

Temple Run

The original Temple Run made staring at a man’s bottom on public transport a wholly acceptable pastime, and this sequel augments the endless-running fun with slicker graphics, more power-ups, obstacles and achievements – plus a bigger monkey hot on your heels.

Rust Bucket

Rust Bucket

In Rust Bucket, a cartoon helmet with a sword dodders about a vibrant dungeon, offing all manner of cute but deadly adversaries — skittering skulls, angry armoured pigs, and spooky ghosts. This is a turn-based affair, echoing classic RPGs, but its endless dungeon and savage nature transform it into a puzzle game perfect for quickfire mobile sessions. You must learn how foes move and react, plan every step and always keep in mind a single error can spell doom.

In its current incarnation, Rust Bucket cleverly balances enough depth to keep you coming back with the brevity that makes it ideal for on-the-go roguelike larks. Future plans include finite puzzle modes and expanded endless content.

Mini Golf MatchUp

Mini Golf MatchUp

Putting (putt-ing, geddit?) the crazy into crazy golf, the five courses in Mini Golf MatchUp take in dinosaurs, sharks and pirates across 70 holes, with realistic physics to temper the unreal environments. Facebook integration is par for the course, while in-game chat keeps things swinging.

SongPop Free


A bit like Never Mind The Buzzcocks‘ intro round, SongPop Free is the handy alternative to carrying Phill Jupitus and someone you’ve never heard of in your pocket. Guess song clips from loads of genres, then challenge your friends to do better.

Dead Trigger

Dead Trigger

That zombie shooter Dead Trigger is set in the dystopian future of 2012 is testament to its lasting appeal. Frantic first-person missions set in realistic 3D environments are sure to get your heart racing (unless you’re a zombie), even on smaller screens.

Cut the Rope Full Free

Cut The Rope

Cute critter Om-Nom in Cut the Rope is the Daniel Day-Lewis of puzzle games, with a BAFTA amid his haul of gaming awards. The simple premise (cut the ropes to release Om-Nom’s lunch) sustains 350 well-pitched levels, packed with character and cartoonish charm.



Scrabble by another name (its second, after “Scrabulous” proved a tad too copyright-infringing), Lexulous has all the social gaming options you’d expect, but beats its many rivals with its antisocial options: three AI opponents ranging from the simple to the sesquipedalian.



Yes, the insanely popular online card game Hearthstone has been squashed down to fit your phone or tablet screen – and it works surprisingly well. With less space to play with, the creators have rejigged the design slightly; it’s still the same game, just a bit more considerate to your thumbs.

It’s also still compatible with the tablet and desktop versions so you’ll be able to play against your friends on the move.



Yes, the proper Scrabble, not some copyright-infringing clone that’ll be pulled by the time you read these words. EA bought the license, tidied it up and stuck it out on Android, where it’s a remarkably advert and in-app purchase free experience.

It’s been beefed up with a few new modes, but stuff like the ability to sync with Facebook and play multiple matches is actually exactly what you need. A classic that’s not been ruined. Hooray.

Blip Blup

Blip Blup

Blip Blup is the kind of original little idea we love stumbling across. It’s a sort of geometry-based puzzle game that has you pressing squares on the screen to fill in areas of colour.

Your light beams are limited in the directions they can travel, so, once you’re through the troublingly simple tutorial levels, it soon becomes insanely tough and will soon have you scratching through your skull’s skin and bone until you actually itch your BRAIN in confusion.

Doodle Jump

Doodle Jump

Doodle Jump is ancient, but there’s a reason it’s still on our list – it’s still damn solid. It’s also updated for today’s higher resolution displays and, better still, been stuck up on Google Play for free. If you haven’t played it, or played it four years ago on iOS, give it another spin. It’s a timeless bit of upwards bouncing action.

Super Stickman Golf 2

Super Stickman Golf 2

Super Stickman Golf 2 is a big-hitter on Android, with the superb 2D puzzle golf game doing insane business. It’s free, albeit propped up by in-app purchases, with heaps upon piles of golf courses to whack yourself around, challenging your knowledge of physics and angles as much as your sporting abilities.

Looks great and even manages to head online to offer turn-based multiplayer against friends or randoms.

Real Racing 3

Real Racing 3

Extremely controversial thanks to its use of in-app purchases to buy your way to better cars, quicker play time and much more, there’s one reason you really ought to give Real Racing 3 a go – it’s the best looking 3D racer on Android by a mile.

If you want something that gives both, all four, or even the full eight of your phone’s cores a full workout, this is the one. And you don’t have to pay for anything, as long as you don’t mind staring at timers and waiting a lot.



Another awesome little 2D pixel art classic from developer OrangePixel, Gunslugs is your standard sort of action platformer given a gorgeous old fashioned retro look.

It’s been optimised for play on Sony’s old-but-popular Xperia Play buttoned Android model, plus the Moga controller and Green Throttle systems will also let you experience it with proper, physical buttons. A random level generator makes it different every time, too.

Nun Attack: Run and Gun

Nun attack

Frima Studios’ popular battling nun series has been transformed into the modern trend that is the “runner” game in Nun Attack: Run & Gun where your favourite of the four available nuns smash though levels, equip weaponry and, inevitably, earn the gold coins that can be used to unlock extra features. Or you can pay real money to buy coins. Real nuns wouldn’t approve of that.

One More Dash


This one should be absurdly easy. All you have to do is tap the screen at the right moment, so you dash to the next safe zone. The trouble is, there’s a timer — lurk too long and you explode. And safe zones are often surrounded by rotating spikes, or shields that deflect you into the deadly void.

One More Dash therefore becomes a steely test of nerves and reactions, where a single mis-timed tap can spell the end of even the most impressive feat of dashing.

Flatout: Stuntman


Supposedly a spin-off from the home console racing titles, Flatout: Stuntman takes one of the more shocking elements from the driving games – the crash dummy physics of drivers thrown from their cars – and turns it into a whole game.

The idea is you have a crash, trying to ensure as much damage is caused to your little ragdoll character. Possibly the sort of tasteless thing that might trigger a ‘Ban All Games’ campaign, but… fun. And free. So your wallet won’t get hurt.

Pocket League Story 2

Pocket League

Mobile developer Kairosoft went down the “freemium” route with this sequel to its superb man-managing football business sim, so Pocket League Story 2 is playable for free if you don’t mind suffering a little more than those who pay for upgrades.

It’s still a great little game, in which you take charge of managing the ground, scouting for players, coaching matches, building facilities and much more.



GYRO is exactly the sort of thing we like – a clever new idea that makes the most out of today’s touchable devices. It’s a bit abstract. You are the circle thing in the middle, and you rotate yourself to absorb the incoming spheres, matching the balls with the right coloured segment.

Shields and score multipliers then fire in, and, inevitably, it all gets quicker and harder. Perfect even on older phones and tablets of modest performance.

Galaxy on Fire 2 HD

Galxy on Fire

Galaxy on Fire 2 HD is one of the most visually impressive 3D shooters to be found on Android, Galaxy on Fire 2 also chucks in some trading and exploration play to add a little more depth to the combat, making it into something similar to having your own little portable Eve Online. You also get to play as a lead character called Keith, which is quite an exciting rarity.

New Star Soccer

NewStar Soccer

New Star Soccer is a previously paid-for game that has undergone a complete refresh, with the developer making it a freebie – but adding in the scourge of modern software in the form of “stars” to buy with real money instead. If you can tolerate the effort needed to bypass the new emphasis on paying to progress quicker, it’s still a staggeringly good game, offering a mega-deep football management sim for mobile.



This is a right old gem. Badland is an abstract physics platformer kind of thing, where you play a flapping monster that has to navigate some gorgeous maps while listening to bird song. Power-ups and power-downs increase and decrease the size of your blob, also multiplying it until you control several of the things. Weird and dark and interesting. Definitely try it.

Juice Cubes

Juice Cubes

Another free game that’s actually about as “free” as the “free” mobile phones we all own, Juice Cubes is a seemingly innocent take on the Candy Crush Saga style of gem-swapping. You can play through it without indulging it in any in-app purchases, but be prepared to wait and be forced to spam your Facebook friends with links in order to do so.

Two Dots

Dots 2

Dots was good, but the sequel Two Dots is even better, with more varied challenges, different modes of play, better bonuses, smoother animations and improved visuals.

The aim is the same though – connecting coloured dots into squares – and like the best mobile games, Dots Two combines a simple but addictive idea with a lot of polish.

Angry Birds Star Wars II

Angry Birds Star Wars II

The original was so beneficial to furthering consumer recognition of both major brands that they made another one – aptly titled Angry Birds Star Wars II. It’s really free thanks to being ad-supported, which, it turns out, is nicer than being asked to buy imaginary space money every 30 seconds. Loads of levels and stupid Star Wars references galore make this a no-brainer for fans of either enormous super-franchise.

Battle Golf

Battle Golf

Miserable people will tell you that Battle Golf is stupid and that you should go and play a proper sports game instead. Pay them no heed, because this title might be very silly, but it’s also a blast. Two rivals stand at the edge of a lake, from which tiny greens periodically emerge. They must then land a hole in one to take a point. Occasionally, a whale or huge octopus will be the ‘hole’, and you can bean your opponent with the ball. Just don’t bean them with their Android device if they sneak a win with a jammy shot.

Sonic Dash

Sonic Dash

Sonic Dash is a really stylish and very pretty endless runner, that is indeed free to download and play. The happy Sega experience is then ruined by overbearing and endlessly menacing reminders that buying a lot of stupid in-game tokens will make progress easier, though, which is a shame. How we wish games didn’t all demand direct debit access to our bank accounts these days in order to work properly. Very nice game apart from that, mind.

CBeebies Playtime


CBeebies Playtime is a nice, harmless, ad-free collection of silly little games, ideal for children who have been successfully raised by the pulsating yellows and greens of the CBBC pacifier and babysitter channel. We’ll save the discussion about whether parents and the BBC should be encouraging children to spend their precious little like staring at screens and being as sad and sedentary as dad for another time. This is good if you let your child touch your precious stuff.

Champ Man

Champ Man

What the developer of Champ Man is trying to say with the name is “This is quite a bit like Championship Manager, that old football game you probably remember.” And it is, offering a decent, if slightly bug-ridden and bizarre portable management game. It does feature in-app purchases, but these can be stepped over or dribbled around (football references) without too much hassle.

Tic Tactics

Tic Tactics

Tic Tactics is a simple and stylish puzzle game that takes the noughts & crosses concept and jazzes it up with online and local multiplayer, rankings, cross-platform play with Facebook friends and more. You battle on multiple boards at once, choosing where to make your mark and what grid your opponent must play next. Hassles you to pay to remove the ads, but nothing more.

Deep Loot

Deep loot

A charming little undersea adventure, in which your little chap dives to hunt for treasure. It does feature in-app purchases, but it’s dead simple to grind a little to collect treasure and unlock most of the game’s content manually, although the £2.49 coin doubler starts to look tempting after a while. It’s a lovely little game, though, so grinding its quirky maps is really quite a joy anyway.

Daddy Long Legs

Daddy long legs

This is weird and initially feels like a physics puzzler someone knocked up in three minutes or so, but stick with it and it becomes a one-more-go addiction you’ll be throwing hours of your life into. It’s simple — tap the screen to make the monster walk.

Only he’s gangly and awkward, so it’s actually quite a timing and precision masterclass. Download Daddy Long Legs here.

Batman Arkham Origins


A big name franchise for free? Yes, of course it’s packed with in-app purchases, but still. Critical feedback to this has been superb, with Arkham Origins combining your standard fighting business with a bit of RPG depth to help pad it out via the need to level up — and provide more of a reason to pay for stuff inside the game.

The Silent Age

Silent Age

You’re a man and you walk around. Thing is, humanity’s been virtually wiped out, so it’s quite a grim experience, made all the more bizarre thanks to its abstract soundtrack.

The Silent Age is a touchscreen puzzle game at its core, one that’s much more interesting in approach than the thousands of other adventure games that clog up the Play shop.

Flappy Crush

Flappy Crush

A simple yet amazingly cathartic take on the Flappy Bird phenomenon, Flappy Crush puts you in charge of the pipes. The job is then to mash up the birds, sucking their bodies up and spewing out the bones. It’s as much of a one-trick pony as the game that inspired it, but it’s enjoyable enough given the asking price of nothing bar exposure to some adverts.



A super-minimalist strategy game, in which the warring factions are portrayed as neon shapes and assorted beams of light. It’s the sort of “game” you might expect Ensign Wesley Crusher to be seen playing in Star Trek: The Next Generation, were he given to wasting his valuable time and the ship’s immense-but-finite computing power on such frivolous pursuits.



In which the Angry Birds developer has a go at pulling off a Flappy Bird style game. Retry is more than a simple clone, though, introducing plane piloting, wobbly terrain to navigate and simple landing missions. It’s very, very hard, but you do at least get more of a sense of progression and reward than was present in the interminable Flappy.

Up, Down, Left, Right

up down

Literally utterly infuriating. The concept is simple. You press up, down, left and right continuously, but there’s a scrolling set of alternative patterns on the screen. These ask you to substitute one direction for another, requiring your eyes to speak to your brain and fingers in a manner that’s bordering on the impossible. An extreme test of your mental problem solving skills.

Angry Birds Transformers


About as “free” as your delicious first free hit of one of today’s fashionable party drugs from your friendly local dealer, this is packed with in-app purchases to help speed up play. But, it’s free to install and play at a slower pace, with Rovio creating a weird shooter in which the birds have been turned into robots. Several marketing departments are over the moon with the resulting brand synergy explosion.

RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 Mobile


An official reworking of the actual PC game everyone loved ages ago, only with its content rearranged so it fits today’s freemium mobile use pattern. Which means free to download and play, but with plenty of arbitrary barriers inserted to try to convince today’s impatient youths to blow some real money on getting everything quicker, as if they have anything better to do with their lives than grind for pretend money.


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  1. Reply Lacy Lubowitz II June 13, 2016 at 4:44 am

    How does trap sound "rubbish" Those games are basically a variation of the classic arcade game Qix which was very popular. For a reason.

  2. Reply Katlynn Rogahn June 13, 2016 at 5:06 am

    What about arcade game Colorappa? I think that this game will be very popular next months

  3. Reply Thomas Bruen June 13, 2016 at 5:07 am

    My top 5 puzzle games
    – Bubbles go to the war
    – Fruit Legend
    – Cut the Rope
    – Juice Cubes
    – Slice Ice

  4. Reply Cary Schaefer June 13, 2016 at 5:20 am

    I wish minecraft is one

  5. Reply Elisabeth Boyle June 13, 2016 at 5:24 am

    Found this one last month, another challenging and addictive one: 360 degree:

    360 Degree is a fantabuolus game filled with loads and loads of fun.
    The spiky surprise takes you out for a 360 degree rollercoaster ride.
    The spikes appear all of a sudden, doubling the excitement of collecting
    the reward points. The touch screen action also plays a vital role and
    makes play extra interesting!

  6. Reply Mrs. Gerry Schiller IV June 13, 2016 at 5:25 am

    Who would wanna click through all those games? Make a list… -_-

  7. Reply Ryan Lynch June 13, 2016 at 5:32 am

    Where's Beach Buggy Racing?! And why Dead Trigger instead of Dead Trigger 2 if it's a 2014 list?

  8. Reply Ms. Sydnee Schmitt DDS June 13, 2016 at 5:48 am

    I found an amazing game: RATAFISH!! It's very addictive!

  9. Reply Billie Mayer June 13, 2016 at 6:02 am

    You lost me at having to click 100 times. Nothankyouverymuch

  10. Reply Jayce Stark June 13, 2016 at 6:14 am

    I feel like "age of strategy" is a game which really deserves more notice than it gets, it is a turn-based strategy game which focuses on gameplay leaving things like graphics as secondary priorities. Although this means at first it might not look great it really is quite good at what it does and if anyone is into the genre I suggest trying it, it is quite in-depth and can also be quite challenging all while being fun at the same time.

  11. Reply Lydia Schinner PhD June 13, 2016 at 6:24 am


  12. Reply Dr. Amparo Nader DVM June 13, 2016 at 6:26 am

    All of these "games" are garbage. Play something like Brave Frontier,Clash of Clans,etc.

  13. Reply Malcolm Luettgen June 13, 2016 at 6:26 am

    This new application is interesting too.

  14. Reply Dr. Leopoldo Reynolds June 13, 2016 at 6:42 am

    Free Games Android

  15. Reply Viviane Cormier June 13, 2016 at 6:56 am

    Personally I preffer some minimalistic indie games, like that "Jumpster" one they released on GooglePlay this week, it seems quite fun.

  16. Reply Mrs. Aubree Monahan June 13, 2016 at 7:31 am

    Someone played "Logic Worm"? My kids love it.

  17. Reply Daryl Johnston June 13, 2016 at 7:32 am

    What about clash of clans?

  18. Reply Arlo Stokes June 13, 2016 at 7:38 am

    This list is missing a very in depth and fun to play strategy game called "Age of Strategy".

  19. Reply Lee Barton June 13, 2016 at 7:40 am

    Also try age of strategy its a fun and interesting strategy game for phones

  20. Reply Marvin Mohr June 13, 2016 at 7:44 am

    Here is a free game I found and it's way more fun than Swing Copters.
    its name is Crazy Swing Penguin on google play. you'll love it. i got addicted to it.

  21. Reply Omer Lockman June 13, 2016 at 8:16 am

    100 clicks required to see all of them? Surely you can make it easier than that

  22. Reply Prof. Kadin Ferry June 13, 2016 at 8:22 am

    Hmmm… mostly rubbish then. I'm an Android fan but the games are poor.

  23. Reply Jermey Roob June 13, 2016 at 8:23 am

    Tetris was launched in 1984 so it is 31 years old – not 25

  24. Reply Dr. Yazmin Lubowitz June 13, 2016 at 8:39 am

    Age of strategy is a pretty good game to check out

  25. Reply Drake Flatley III June 13, 2016 at 8:58 am

    Awesome new game ICY BARRELS pretty hard though unlike most arcade games

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