Fallout 4 mods for PS4 get nuked

There’s bad news for PS4 owners currently enjoying the delights of Bethesda’s open-world RPG games. The developer has just announced that neither its post-apocalyptic role player Fallout 4, nor its soon-to-be-remastered fantasy predecessor The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will be getting long-awaited mod support on Sony’s console.

Mod support has long been a boon of the PC gaming community, but Bethesda had planned to level the playing field by bringing that functionality to the PS4 and Xbox One. In the case of Sony’s console, that dream has just been nuked.

Bethesda burn

According to a post on the Bethesda blog:

“After months of discussion with Sony, we regret to say that while we have long been ready to offer mod support on PlayStation 4, Sony has informed us they will not approve user mods the way they should work: where users can do anything they want for either Fallout 4 or Skyrim Special Edition.”

Bethesda seems to be putting the blame squarely at Sony’s feet – its wording here suggests Sony is not prepared to navigate the minefield of inappropriate content and IP infringement that can sometimes come with unfettered mod creation.

Bethesda continued: “Like you, we are disappointed by Sony’s decision given the considerable time and effort we have put into this project, and the amount of time our fans have waited for mod support to arrive.

“We consider this an important initiative and we hope to find other ways user mods can be available for our PlayStation audience. However, until Sony will allow us to offer proper mod support for PS4, that content for Fallout 4 and Skyrim on PlayStation 4 will not be available.”


Bethesda promises it “will provide an update if and when this situation changes”. But for Fallout fans on Sony’s console, the irradiated grass may be looking greener on the Xbox One, where mod support has been active on Fallout 4 since late May.

Though the developer has been offering a steady stream of DLC for Fallout 4 since its November 2015 release, that well dries up with the Nuka World pack, which released at the end of August. While PC and Xbox gamers will be able to prolong play with mod support, today’s news essentially puts Fallout 4 to rest on PS4.

And while the spruced up visuals for the remastered The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition version will make it a cut above what PlayStation 3 gamers enjoyed, continued mod support will make the forthcoming re-release more attractive on Xbox One.

We’ve asked Sony for comment on the news, and will update this piece when we hear back from the company.

Source: techradar.com

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  1. Reply Mrs. Myrtie Cormier III September 9, 2016 at 7:48 pm

    Sorry Sony but that's the final straw. I won't be buying any more PlayStation's.

  2. Reply Raul Barton September 9, 2016 at 11:28 pm

    The only winner here is Microsoft. Skyrim Legendary Edition might as well be an XO exclusive.

    Here’s one industry professional’s best guess at what transpired:

    Bethesda wanted the soon-to-be-announced mod store to be cross platform. This would allow user’s who buy mods on the one platform to automatically have them available on all other platforms. An obvious win for consumers, but it would allow Bethesda to avoid paying MS and Sony their cut when users buy the mods on PC (or on the web). Bethesda may have even played MS and Sony against one another to sweeten the deal and avoid MS and Sony’s official marketplaces all together.

    Sony rejected the offer, requiring all paid mods used on their platform to go through their official sales channel. MS saw this as an opportunity to strengthen their consumer offering with “exclusive” content, and agreed.

    Please Note: This hypothetical, I don’t have any inside information on this.

  3. Reply Mrs. Britney McDermott September 10, 2016 at 12:36 am

    When I look at the issue, and the points you brought up about why PC is better, I think you are absolutely right…………….for you. For me, Im still in that console mentality where I dont think gaming is as important to me as it is for PC gamers. I'd like the best experience, but if I dont get it I'll settle for the worst, and still be happy. I have to hand it to you PC gamers. You guys call us peasants, but I dont think the amount of money in our accounts is any different. I think the biggest difference is intelligence. Your people seek an intricate knowledge in the technical field. We just want to play a game.

  4. Reply Santos Lubowitz September 10, 2016 at 7:28 am

    I can understand being disappointed by their decision, but lets be honest. If you are willing to fork over hundreds of dollars for a gaming console, its doubtful that youd abandon ship over something so trivial, and for a game you probably beat over half a year ago, and if you say your disappontment accumilated, its still doubtful this would have registered.

  5. Reply Mr. Nicolas Daniel DDS September 10, 2016 at 10:47 am

    Yeah I get that most people went for the PS4. If what I'm reading lately on various PlayStation forums is anything to be believed that has now changed. I guess loyalty only stretches so far.

  6. Reply Mrs. Kaelyn Pollich PhD September 10, 2016 at 1:55 pm

    mod store? is XB1 charging for FO4 mods?

  7. Reply Juwan Wunsch September 10, 2016 at 3:19 pm

    Actually, its because they keep coming out with products gamers are willing to buy, and if anyone with too much brand loyalty says otherwise, just walk away.

  8. Reply Denis Spinka September 10, 2016 at 5:06 pm

    Its not that hard to figure it out, and it has nothing to do with Sony at all. It has to do with consumers who have the power to pick and choose, but if you want it defined ill be happy to share it with you. We wanted Ps4 more than an xbox one.

  9. Reply Mr. Jaleel Hammes September 10, 2016 at 10:21 pm

    the reason sony is leading is because of Microsofts hamhanded launch.

  10. Reply Dr. Haven Koss V September 10, 2016 at 10:29 pm


  11. Reply Corene Williamson Jr. September 11, 2016 at 12:14 am

    So why are Sony leading this 'generation'? They won't allow EA Access on their system, their PSN is constantly down and now they won't allow mods to 2 of the most popular games of this and last gen. Are Sony trying to help MS catch up? Maybe it's the proud nature of the Japanese the same way Nintendo won't bow to peer pressure and make a good console to welcome 3rd parties. Gotta wonder.

  12. Reply Dr. Adalberto Quigley I September 11, 2016 at 3:01 am

    No way. Sony are really starting to annoy people. Why play PS4 when graphics are better on PC, multiplayer is free, games are cheaper and they allow modding.

  13. Reply Marcos Reichel September 11, 2016 at 1:31 pm

    #MSFT master race I guess?

    Xbox1 is just a cheap gaming pc with a different OS. And don't worry Zen, Im sure there will be allot of Sony Sheeple who will defend and love future PS's. After leaking customer data, outages and a bunch of bullshit like this, Sony should of been dead in the water years ago-and ppl wonder why companies abuse the customer, BECAUSE THEY CAN AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

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