Google draws criticism for alleged gender bias in search results

Google allegedly in its search results shows that there are only two genders, male and female.

Turns out, Google has been misleading those trying to keep up with all the gender identities. On googling “how many genders are there,” a top result says that there are only two – male and female, The Next Web reported. This has annoyed millions of people, particularly the transgender across the world.

The outcome is an unfortunate effect of a Google search feature called Featured Snippets, which aggregates information from high-ranking sources and tries to give a summary of the answer the user is looking for. Many tech companies already allow users the option to pick a gender.

Facebook, for example, lets you pick one of 53 choices or add a custom one. Earlier too, the company had landed in soup – the best guess for a Google Image search result for two black men was “gang,” while the best guess for the same photo with a black and white man was “art.”


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