Zuckerberg in China: Facebook to work with Chinese peers to improve cyberspace

Mark Zuckerberg met senior ruling Communist Party official in China and also attended the China Development Forum. And while Facebook remains banned in China, Zuckerberg spoke at the forum saying he would work with Chinese peers to create a better world in cyberspace.

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg today met a senior ruling Communist Party official in China, which has largest number of Internet users in the world and where the popular social networking website remains banned. Zuckerberg, whose wife hails from China, met Liu Yunshan, member of the powerful Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

Facebook, along with Twitter, remains banned in China, which has the world’s largest number of 667 million Internet connections and Zuckerberg has been lobbying for an opening for the social networking website.

Zuckerberg, who is in Beijing to attend the annual meeting of the China Development Forum, spoke highly of the progress China has made in the field of Internet, saying he would work with Chinese peers to create a better world in cyberspace. He had yesterday made waves by jogging along the iconic Tiananmen square in Beijing’s notorious smog, prompting a torrent of amusing comments on Chinese social media.

After the meeting, Liu was quoted by state-run Xinhua news agency saying: “Cyberspace is the common space of mankind, and it is the common responsibility for the international community to build a ‘community of shared future’ in cyberspace.”

China’s Internet industry has taken on a development path of governance with Chinese characteristics, Liu said apparently referring to the close management of the Internet with firewalls shielding the platform from the outside world.

Liu expressed hope that Facebook, which has advanced technology and governance mode, should work with Chinese Internet enterprises to enhance exchanges and share experience so as to make outcome of the internet development better benefit the people of all countries.

Source: bgr.in

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